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The Cuban biotechnology industry is known worldwide. The human and veterinary vaccines, bioproducts, drugs, diagnostic means and monoclonal antibodies created by brilliant scientists, in top-level facilities, place Cuba as one of the developing nations, together with India and Brazil, with more advances in this sector. The BioCubaFarma Business Group, one of the most economically powerful in...

CubaHeal Research At the National Extension Workshop conference carried on September 27th, 2017 in the province of Camagüey, doctors from the provinces of Cienfuegos and Sancti Spíritus presented their evidence and application results on the effectiveness of the use of Heberferon for the treatment of Gorlin Syndrome. Gorlin Syndrome, also known as Nevoid Basal-Cell Carcinoma...

team Cuba of medical care in the world Cuba continues to enjoy the reputation of top provider of medical care in the world. Its medical programs, as well as its egalitarian approach to medicine as a matter of humanitarian principle, remain unmatched. This is no small thanks to the quality medical education provided to its...

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