Phone Number
876 529 7866
Study Medicine in Cuba
Treatment Services
Our teams of medical professionals, including specialists, Cuba field members, together with Canadian and Caribbean, and Middle East administrative and logistics staff are here to assist you with all aspects of your health visit and treatment.
Orthopedic evaluation and surgical programs
Medical Checkups
Children development and rehabilitation
Medical programs for the elderly
Oncology treatment programs
Diabetes including diabetes foot ulcer treatment program
Gynecology and infertility treatment program
Medical programs for addiction rehabilitation
Internal medicine program
Long-term elderly care
Cardiology and cardivascular surgery
Neurological autoimmune restoration treatment programs
Rehab program for disabilities and chronic health
Transplant programs
Maxillofacial surgery
Cosmetic surgery programs
General surgery programs
Skin medical programs
Eye programs
Otolaryngology treatment programs
Orthopedic evaluation and surgical programs
Orthopedic Surgical Programs
Orthopedic evaluation program
Elongation of shin bones surgery (10 cm bilateral)
Bunion surgical procedure
Calcaneal therapeutic osteotomy including prosthetic implant surgical program
Hip replacement surgery procedure
Meniscus/ chondromalacia/ synovitis lesion spine surgeries
Spine surgery
Angular deformity of knee surgical program
Knee arthroplasty surgical procedure
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) treatment
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Brachial Plexus Injury
Multiple Ligament Injuries
Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Injury
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury
Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injury
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury
Rotator Cuff Tears Treatment
Nonunion Fractures Treatment
Spinal Stenosis Treatment
Scoliosis Treatment
Angular Deformity of Knee (Genu Valgum / Knock Knee)
Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) Treatment
Disc Herniation Treatment
Medical Checkups
Medical checkups
Executive Medical Checkup
Comprehensive Medical Checkup
Preventive Checkup for The Elderly (men and women)
Comprehensive Cardiovascular Health Check-Up
Medical Checkup for Hypertensive Patients
Toco-Gynecological Checkup
Gynecological Checkup for Perimenopausal or Menopausal Women
Basic Pediatric Checkup - children under the age of 2 years
Basic Pediatric Checkup - children between the ages of 2 and 12 years
Medical Checkup for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis (men)
Medical Checkup for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis (women)
Children Development and Rehabilitation
Children development and rehabilitation
Personalized medical program for evaluation and treatment of Autism Spectrum
Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment in Cuba
Cerebral Palsy (CP) Treatment in the Republic of Cuba
Medical Programs for The Elderly
Comprehensive evaluation and treatment program for the elderly
Psychomotor comprehensive rehabilitation
Functional rehabilitation in the elderly (10 sessions)
Quality of life revitalizing treatment (10 sessions)
Comprehensive care for patients with memory disorders
Oncology Treatment Programs
Oncology treatment programs
Head and neck cancers treatment programs
Sarcomas treatment program
lung cancer treatment program
Digestive tract cancers treatment program
Breast cancer and gynecologic cancer treatment program
Skin cancer treatment program
Urological cancer treatment program
Endocrine cancer treatment program
Diabetes Including Diabetes Foot Ulcer Treatment Program
Diabetes including diabetes foot ulcer
Gynecology and Infertility Treatment Program
Gynecology and infertility treatment program
Female infertility
Male sexual dysfunction
General gynaecology examination program
Gynaecological treatment programs
Couples infertile evaluation program
Pregnancy termination program
Medical Programs for Addiction Rehabilitation
Medical programs for addiction rehabilitation
Addiction rehabilitation program
Addiction rehabilitation program – recycling
Internal Medicine Program
Internal medicine program
Evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis
Exogenous obesity
Evaluation and treatment program of digestive diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Diabetes mellitus evaluation and treatment program
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Multiple sclerosis rehabilitation program
Chronic liver disease evaluation program
Long-Term Elderly Care
Long-term elderly care
Long term Nursing Home Care
Long term Geriatric Care
About the center
Cardiology and Cardivascular Surgery
Comprehensive Cardiovascular Health Check-up
Cardiac Angiography and Angiogram
Coronary Angioplasty: Artery Widening Medical Procedure
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Treatment
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Treatment
Valvular Heart Diseases
Coarctation of the Aorta (COA)
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Ascending Aortic Aneurysm
Cardio Ablation Treatment for Arrhythmias
Pacemaker Treatment to Regulate Heart Rhythms
Comprehensive Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
Neurological Autoimmune Restoration Treatment Programs
Neurological autoimmune restoration treatment programs
Initial rehabilitation for demyelinating disease of the CNS
Continuation of rehabilitation program for CNS demyelinating diseases
Initial rehabilitation program for rheumatic and degenerative joint diseases
Continuation of rehabilitation program for rheumatic and degenerative joint diseases
Initial rehabilitation program for paraplegia
Continuation of rehabilitation program for paraplegia
Initial rehabilitation program for infantile paralysis and other static lesions of CNS
Continuation of rehabilitation program for infantile paralysis and other static lesions of CNS
Initial rehabilitation program for hemiplegia
Continuation of rehabilitation program for hemiplegia
Initial rehabilitation program for congenital brachial palsy
Continuation of rehabilitation program for congenital brachial palsy
Rehab Program For Disabilities and Chronic Health
Rehab program for disabilities and chronic health
Rehabilitation program for CNS, articular, rheumatic, cardiovascular, and pulmonary diseases
Transplant Programs
Transplant Programs
Renal transplant assessment program (recipient and living donor)
Renal transplantation for recipient and living donor
Corneal transplantation and conjunctival autograft for simple recurrent pterygium
Other transplant programs & subsequent treatments
Maxillofacial Surgery
Maxillofacial surgery
Cosmetics Surgery Programs
Cosmetics surgery programs
Breast cosmetic surgery
Liposuction surgical procedures
Facial cosmetic procedures
General Surgery Programs
General surgery programs
Microsurgery / conventional surgery
Minimally invasive surgery programs
Male infertility
Skin Medical Programs
Skin medical programs
Vitiligo: diagnosis and treatment program
Psoriasis – diagnosis and treatment
Treatment of alopecia areata universalis
Eye Programs
Eye Programs
Eye consultation services | eye consultants
Ophthalmological evaluation program
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) surgical programs
Cataract surgery
Otolaryngology Treatment Programs
Otolaryngology treatment programs
Cochlear surgical implant & rehabilitation program
Cochlear implant surgery rehabilitation program | pediatric
Sensorineural hearing loss rehabilitation program children and adults
Other otolaryngology treatment programs
Medical education programs
Study medicine in Cuba
Doctor in Medicine
Doctor in Dentistry
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Postgraduate medical programs
Diploma, training courses, fellowships and internships
Medium level health technician careers
Universities of medical sciences
Engineering programs
Automation Engineering
Architecture Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering
Hydraulic Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
CubaHeal student services
Accommodation Facilities
Academic Degree Certification Service
Admission Support for Scholarship Students in Cuba
Travel Insurance
Why Cuba
Cuba as a medical treatment destination
Cuba The Paradise
Cuba’s world-renowned medical centers
Cuba’s Addiction Treatment Centers – A Comprehensive Insight
Camilo Cienfuegos International Retinitis Pigmentosa Centre
Cira garcia central clinic
Commander Manuel Fajardo Teaching Surgical Hospital
Enrique Cabrera University General Hospital, Havana, Cuba
Frank País Orthopedic Hospital: A Comprehensive Overview
Hospital Clínico-Quirúrgico Dr. Luis Díaz Soto (Fructuoso Rodríguez): A Leader in Cuban Healthcare
Why choose CubaHeal?
Cubaheal Patients Bill Of Rights
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